Story of observence | Acrylic and Salt on Canvas 90x190cm | 2019Nature of reality | Acrylic and Salt on Canvas 181×200 cm | 2019The word is maya Acrylic and Salt on Canvas 240x180cm | 2019Ultra light Acrylic and Salt on Canvas 200x140cm | 2019Garden of devision Acrylic and Salt on Canvas 230x147cm | 2019Aquarius Acrylic and Salt on Canvas 150x180cm | 2019The light always live Acrylic and Salt on Canvas 184x175x130cm | 2019Nothing can hold me back from reaching a higher Acrylic and Salt on Canvas 150x125cm | 2019Garden of devision Acrylic and Salt on Canvas 230x147cm | 2019Rostam`s phenomenal plan Acrylic and Salt on Canvas 130x180cm | 2019Fear of infinite Acrylic and Salt on Canvas 150x185cm | 2019Human is a fall Acrylic and Salt on Canvas 190x150cm | 2019Unconsciously project Galvanized steel & Iron wire rope 150x70cm | 2019Untitled | Installation | 2019